Over and over and over again…

I’ve been slacking.  I know, we’re only half way through the month and I missed three days of NaBloPoMo this month already!  If you have come across my other blog at all (thisblogisepic) you’ll know that this is actually somewhat of a habit of mine haha.

Anyway — Today’s post and yesterday’s post ideas are similar over at BlogHer — if you had to watch the same movie or read the same book over and over again, what would they be?

If I had to read the same book year after year, I think it’d probably be Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge.  It’s about the scandalous freedom offered through Christ and it just gave me a whole new appreciation for everything that Jesus was here on Earth to accomplish — and it confirmed every niggling feeling that we were designed for more than just ‘doing church.’

If I had to watch the same movie month after month?  That one’s harder.  There’s a big difference between a month and a year.  Year after year I DO watch Twister already.  It’s one of my all time favourite movies.  I love cheesy disaster movies.  Month after month though?  I don’t know.  I really enjoy anything from the Pirates of the Caribbean series.  Maybe I could watch those month after month?  The fourth one wasn’t quite as good though… no Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightley made it kinda lame.  Although… when I searched IMDB for the links for those to embed into my post, I see there’s a 5th movie slated to come out in 2017??  Could it be??  Pirates of the Caribbean — Dead Men Tell No Tales.  Epic.

Anyway — I digress.  Now I want to wear my pirate boots but I left them at school….

Stay tuned tomorrow for a check in and two fantastic recipes!


4 responses

  1. Laura! Thank you so much for sharing this. It really got me thinking of what I’d be able to do over and over. I especially loved your thoughts on the book by John Eldridge. I haven’t read it but I’d be interested to hear more of how it helped you grow in appreciation for Christ and what insights you gained. I love the idea that you shared of how we are designed for so much more. We truly have more potential than we know!

    What has helped you to realize our divine worth and potential as children of God?

    • Molil,

      Thanks for popping in! The book goes through all of the things that Jesus did that makes him playful, and cunning, and a whole bunch of other personality traits that don’t really shine through if you’re not looking for them. It gave me a totally new appreciation for the character of Jesus, and for the personality traits we so often see and cherish in our friends and family.

  2. That’s really interesting. It makes me think of Christ’s true character – who He was between the lines in the bible. I would really love to talk to you more about your beliefs and experiences. Do you have an email address or facebook account we could chat on?

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